Families & students
As we begin the planning process for the 2025-2026 school year, it is once again time f...
During the November session of the BOLDer Together Engagement Series, families learned ...
Let's be #BOLDerTogether! We invite families to join us on Nov. 19 for workshops and conversations about your student's education. Learn more through the link.
Nov. 4 and March 17 are Digital Learning Days for BCSS. Students will work remotely. Get more information through this link.
Starting with this school year, BCSS elementary students will no longer receive report cards. Instead, we will provide trimester progress reports with Standards-based Grading. Learn more.
At BCSS, we screen all K-3 students three times a year to assess early literacy skills. K-3 Parents will be receiving a letter titled, Universal Reading Screening Results Notification. Learn more.
"We need your help. It’s important our students understand that words matter and what they might see as 'funny' or just a prank can hurt and scare people. Those words also have consequences." - BCSS Superintendent & BCSO Sheriff
Sign up as a Parent Observer in our Canvas Learning Management System (LMS). Here's how.
Click here to listen to the latest episode of Beyond the Bell!
parent resources
Adult Literacy Barrow offers community members free classes such as English Literacy, GED®, and Citizenship.
Starting with the 2024-25 school year, you can keep up with your middle or high school student's assignments and work progress through our Learning Management System (LMS), Canvas. Canvas LMS is a platform for teachers to share assignments and due dates digitally with students. Through Canvas LMS, Parent Observers can view course content to help support students at home by pulling up presentations and resources the teacher used in class that day.
ELA: Navigate to a grade level, then select the standards. From there, click on "Course Wide Resources" and then choose "ELA Grade # Development Progression." This will allow you to view the family engagement resources.
Math: Navigate to a grade level, then select the standards. After that, click on "Course Wide Resources" and select "Parent Letter."
- Be a Barrow Bold Parent
- Family Engagement Activities
- Mentoring
- Notifications (Family Update Website)
- Online Parent Resource Center - to help with homework
- Special Education Parent Mentor Partnership
The Barrow County School System offers, at no charge to the parents, academic instruction to eligible students who are confined at home or in a healthcare facility for periods of time that would prevent normal school attendance. See eligibility criteria.
Free resources for families
As an option for our BCSS families, our school district is making a student accident insurance plan available for students at a low cost.
The Barrow County School District has designated the following information as directory information:
- Student’s Name, address and telephone number
- Student’s date and place of birth
- Student’s participation in official school clubs and sports
- Weight and height of student if he/she is a member of an athletic team
- Dates of attendance while enrolled in Barrow County Schools
- Awards received during the time enrolled in Barrow County Schools
Unless you, as a parent/guardian or eligible student, request otherwise, this information may be disclosed to the public. You have the right to refuse to allow all or any part of the above information to be designated as directory information and to be disclosed to the public upon request.
You are also notified that from time to time students may be photographed, videotaped, or interviewed by the news media at school or some school activity or event, unless you, as a parent/guardian object in writing to your student being photographed, videotaped or interviewed to the principal of the school where your student is enrolled. You are also notified that from time to time your student’s photograph, art work, poetry, creative writing stories or other pieces of acclaim or interest connected with a school activity or function, may be displayed on the Barrow County Schools System websites.
If you wish to exercise this right, you must notify the principal of the school at which the student is enrolled in writing within 10 days from the date of enrollment.
The Barrow County Board of Education welcomes community input when it is motivated by a sincere desire to improve the quality of our educational programs or to equip the schools to do their tasks more efficiently. The Board has confidence in the professional staff and desires to support their actions. This regulation does not supersede any employee’s or citizen’s right to contact Board members directly. However, whenever a concern is expressed directly to the Board as a whole or to a Board member as an individual, it will be referred to the administration for study and resolution.
Our school system is implementing the Think First & Stay Safe™ child personal safety program. This evidence-based child safety curriculum has been scientifically evaluated and proven to help keep children safe.
Think First & Stay Safe teaches students the importance of treating themselves and one another with kindness and respect. Through developmentally-appropriate lesson plans, students learn about personal boundaries and healthy relationships. These interactive lessons allow children to better recognize appropriate vs. inappropriate behaviors and use their critical thinking skills to help them stay safe.
Think First & Stay Safe Link
(Password is 4par3nts)
Title I, Part A is a multi-faceted federal entitlement program designed to “help all children have the opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state and academic standards and assessments.” The purpose of Title I is to “enable schools to provide opportunities for at-risk and disadvantaged children to acquire the knowledge and skills contained in the challenging State content standards and to meet the challenging State performance standards developed for all children.” Title I is intended to serve students in core academic subject areas: Reading/Language Arts/English, Math, and Science and Social Studies. Read more about Title I.
student resources
Students will need a Certificate of Attendance from their high school's office to take with them to the Department of Motor Vehicles for their permit test. The front office requires a 24 to 48-hour notice.
Dual Enrollment is a program that provides funding for students at eligible high schools to take approved college-level coursework for credit towards both high school and college graduation requirements. It allows students in grades 9-12 to participate and covers the costs of tuition, mandatory fees, and required textbooks making this program a great way for students to get a jump-start on their college coursework. Read more about Dual Enrollment.
Barrow County School System student ID numbers will now act as a library card number for our public libraries! Learn about the PLAY (PINES Library Access for Youth) Library Card program.
The Barrow County Board of Education welcomes community input when it is motivated by a sincere desire to improve the quality of our educational programs or to equip the schools to do their tasks more efficiently. The Board has confidence in the professional staff and desires to support their actions. This regulation does not supersede any employee’s or citizen’s right to contact Board members directly. However, whenever a concern is expressed directly to the Board as a whole or to a Board member as an individual, it will be referred to the administration for study and resolution.
Our school system is implementing the Think First & Stay Safe™ child personal safety program. This evidence-based child safety curriculum has been scientifically evaluated and proven to help keep children safe.
Think First & Stay Safe teaches students the importance of treating themselves and one another with kindness and respect. Through developmentally-appropriate lesson plans, students learn about personal boundaries and healthy relationships. These interactive lessons allow children to better recognize appropriate vs. inappropriate behaviors and use their critical thinking skills to help them stay safe.
Our school system is implementing the Think First & Stay Safe™ child personal safety program. This evidence-based child safety curriculum has been scientifically evaluated and proven to help keep children safe.
Think First & Stay Safe teaches students the importance of treating themselves and one another with kindness and respect. Through developmentally-appropriate lesson plans, students learn about personal boundaries and healthy relationships. These interactive lessons allow children to better recognize appropriate vs. inappropriate behaviors and use their critical thinking skills to help them stay safe.
Think First & Stay Safe Link
(Password is 4par3nts)
Refer to our Student Handbook for more information about Internet Safety and Student Responsible Use of Technology Resources
BCSS Innovation Support/Network Administrator Kevin McCage was happy to teach tech lessons to Westside Middle School students.
Prospective Students
Would you like the opportunity to gain real-world work experience? Would you like to learn more about your chosen career field? Would you like to earn high school credit while working in your career field? If you answered "yes" to these questions, then Work-Based Learning may be just the program for you.
How do you get started?
Visit our Work-Based Learning web pages for more information or you can visit the Career Center at your high school.
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