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Math Resources
Georgia's K-12 Mathematics Standards-2021 have been updated. Teachers will begin using the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Into Math Georgia K-5 (2023) Math Curriculum starting in 2023-24.
Why are math standards so important?
The Math standards are important because they help ensure that all students K12 are prepared for success in college and the workforce. Standards provide a clear road map for learning for teachers, parents, and students.
In Kindergarten math my student will...
- Demonstrate and explain the relationship between numbers and quantities up to 20
- Count forward and backward within 100
- Break numbers 11-19 apart into tens and ones
- Compare numbers up to 20
- Add and subtract within 10
- Create repeating patterns
- Analyze simple graphs to answer questions
- Identify and describe 2-D shapes and 3-D figures
- Identify coins and their values (pennies, nickels, dimes)
- Classify and sort up to 10 objects by attributes
How can I help my student?
- Encourage your student to attend school each day so there are no interruptions in learning.
- Provide a quiet area for your student that is free of distractions such as cell phones and televisions.
- Sit with your student at least once a week and ask what your student is learning about in Math.
- Have your student teach you the Math.
- Apply Math to real-life situations (ex-sports) and use real objects to do Math.
- Play Math games (ex-board games) and make Math fun.
- Use Math when you cook and bake with your student.

Teacher as a Resource
Check with your student's teacher for additional Math Resources
HMH Videos
Help, Hints, and Explanations (HHEs) videos
Online Resources
In First Grade math my student will...
- Count forward and backward within 120
- Read, write, represent, and compare numbers to 120
- Explain how addition and subtraction are related
- Add and subtract within 20
- Identify and create repeating, growing, and shrinking patterns
- Compose 2-D shapes; partition rectangles and circles into halves and fourths
- Use base ten understanding to add and subtract within 100
- Compare and order three objects by length
- Tell and write time to the hour and half hour; measure elapsed time to the nearest hour
- Identify coins and their values (pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters)
How can I help my student?
- Encourage your student to attend school each day so there are no interruptions in learning.
- Provide a quiet area for your student that is free of distractions such as cell phones and televisions.
- Sit with your student at least once a week and ask what your student is learning about in Math.
- Have your student teach you the Math.
- Apply Math to real-life situations (ex-sports) and use real objects to do Math.
- Play Math games (ex-board games) and make Math fun.
- Use Math when you cook and bake with your student.

Teacher as a Resource
Check with your student's teacher for additional Math Resources
HMH Videos
Help, Hints, and Explanations (HHEs) videos
Online Resources
In Second Grade math my student will...
- Explain the value of a three-digit number using hundreds, tens, and ones
- Count forward and backward within 1000
- Read, write, and order whole numbers to 1000
- Solve problems involving addition and subtraction within 1000
- Determine if a number is odd or even
- Draw rectangular arrays to solve simple problems involving equal groups
- Identify and create numerical patterns based on repeated addition and subtraction
- Measure length to the nearest whole unit (inch, feet, yards)
- Solve problems involving standard measurement units (length and distance)
- Tell and write time to the nearest five minutes; measure elapsed time to the nearest hour and half hour
- Find the value of a group of coins; solve problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies
- Work with 2-D shapes and 3-D figures
- Identify lines of symmetry
- Partition circles and rectangles into halves, thirds, and fourths
How can I help my student?
- Encourage your student to attend school each day so there are no interruptions in learning.
- Provide a quiet area for your student that is free of distractions such as cell phones and televisions.
- Sit with your student at least once a week and ask what your student is learning about in Math.
- Have your student teach you the Math.
- Apply Math to real-life situations (ex-sports) and use real objects to do Math.
- Play Math games (ex-board games) and make Math fun.
- Use Math when you cook and bake with your student.

Teacher as a Resource
Check with your student's teacher for additional Math Resources
HMH Videos
Help, Hints, and Explanations (HHEs) videos
Online Resources
In Third Grade math my student will...
- Read, write, and compare numbers to 10,000; round numbers to 1000
- Solve real-life addition and subtraction problems up to 10,000
- Use part to whole strategies to solve problems involving multiplication and division within 100
- Represent fractions and denominators of 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 in a variety of ways
- Measure liquid volume, length, and mass in customary units
- Use rulers to measure lengths in halves and fourths of an inch
- Use graphs to answer questions
- Tell time to the nearest minute; measure elapsed time to the nearest hour, half hour, and quarter hour
- Use money to solve real-life problems
- Identify parallel lines, perpendicular lines, right angles, and lines of symmetry in 2- D shapes
- Solve problems involving area of rectangles and perimeter of polygons
How can I help my student?
- Encourage your student to attend school each day so there are no interruptions in learning.
- Provide a quiet area for your student that is free of distractions such as cell phones and televisions.
- Sit with your student at least once a week and ask what your student is learning about in Math.
- Have your student teach you the Math.
- Apply Math to real-life situations (ex-sports) and use real objects to do Math.
- Play Math games (ex-board games) and make Math fun.
- Use Math when you cook and bake with your student.

Teacher as a Resource
Check with your student's teacher for additional Math Resources
HMH Videos
Help, Hints, and Explanations (HHEs) videos
Online Resources
In Fourth Grade math my student will...
- Identify, compare, and round numbers within 100,000
- Solve problems involving addition and subtraction within 100,000
- Multiply and divide multi-digit whole numbers
- Generate and analyze patterns
- Classify numbers as prime or composite
- Solve problems involving addition and subtraction within of fractions with common denominators
- Create equivalent fractions
- Compare fractions and decimals using >, <, and =
- Tell time to the nearest minute; measure elapsed time to the nearest minute
- Analyze graphs to answer questions
- Measure liquid volume, distance, and mass using the metric measurement system
- Use rulers to measure lengths to nearest 12, 14, and 18 of an inch
- Estimate and measure angles
- Classify polygons based on properties
- Solve problems involving area and perimeter
How can I help my student?
- Encourage your student to attend school each day so there are no interruptions in learning.
- Provide a quiet area for your student that is free of distractions such as cell phones and televisions.
- Sit with your student at least once a week and ask what your student is learning about in Math.
- Have your student teach you the Math.
- Apply Math to real-life situations (ex-sports) and use real objects to do Math.
- Play Math games (ex-board games) and make Math fun.
- Use Math when you cook and bake with your student.

Teacher as a Resource
Check with your student's teacher for additional Math Resources
HMH Videos
Help, Hints, and Explanations (HHEs) videos
Online Resources
In Fifth Grade math my student will...
- Multiply and divide by powers of 10
- Fluently multiply and divide multi-digit whole numbers to solve real life problems
- Compare and order up to three fractions
- Add and subtract mixed numbers with unlike denominators
- Multiply fractions and whole numbers
- Divide unit fractions by whole numbers and whole numbers by unit fractions
- Read, write, and compare decimals to the thousandths place
- Round decimals to the hundredths place
- Solve problems involving addition and subtraction of decimals to the hundredths place
- Write, interpret, and evaluate simple numerical expressions with and without grouping symbols
- Generate numerical patterns using given rules
- Plot ordered pairs in the first quadrant of the coordinate plane
- Solve problems involving customary and metric measurement; convert between units of measurement
- Analyze graphs to answer questions
- Classify polygons by their properties
- Determine the volume of right rectangular prisms
How can I help my student?
- Encourage your student to attend school each day so there are no interruptions in learning.
- Provide a quiet area for your student that is free of distractions such as cell phones and televisions.
- Sit with your student at least once a week and ask what your student is learning about in Math.
- Have your student teach you the Math.
- Apply Math to real-life situations (ex-sports) and use real objects to do Math.
- Play Math games (ex-board games) and make Math fun.
- Use Math when you cook and bake with your student.

Teacher as a Resource
Check with your student's teacher for additional Math Resources
HMH Videos
Help, Hints, and Explanations (HHEs) videos
Online Resources
6th Grade Mathematics is the first course in a sequence of three required middle school courses designed to ensure career and college readiness.
When will my student take 6th Grade Mathematics?
6th Grade Mathematics is taught in the 6th grade in the Barrow County School System. The pre-requisite for this course is successful completion of 5th grade mathematics. Students typically move to 7th grade mathematics after successfully completing 6th grade mathematics.
What do students learn?
Students will apply their numeric, algebraic and geometric reasoning skills to make sense of problems involving numbers, algebra, geometry, and statistics.
How can I help my student?
There are several ways that you can assist your student to be successful in 6th Grade Mathematics:
- Encourage your student to attend school each day so that there are no interruptions in the learning process.
- Encourage your student to ask questions before, during, and after class.
- Provide a quiet study area for your student that is free of distractions such as cell phones, televisions, and other electronic devices.
- Encourage your student to reach out to their teacher for extra tutoring or help.
The Barrow County School system uses a 6th grade curriculum developed by Open Up Resources, which is also used for mathematics in the high school mathematics. The Open Up High School Mathematics pathway helps students learn by building connections between conceptual understanding, mathematical representations and modeling, and abstract thinking.

Teacher as a Resource
Your student's teacher likely has opportunities for tutoring and additional help. Encourage your student to reach out to the teacher to see what opportunities are available.
Check the course syllabus for any resources that your student's teacher recommends.
Other Online Resources
7th Grade Mathematics is the second course in a sequence of three required middle school courses designed to ensure career and college readiness.
When will my student take 7th Grade Mathematics?
7th Grade Mathematics is taught in the 7th grade in the Barrow County School System. The pre-requisite for this course is successful completion of 6th grade mathematics. Students typically move to 8th grade mathematics after successfully completing 7th grade mathematics.
What do students learn?
Students will apply their numeric, algebraic and geometric reasoning skills to make sense of problems involving numbers, algebra, geometry, and statistics.
How can I help my student?
There are several ways that you can assist your student to be successful in 7th Grade Mathematics:
- Encourage your student to attend school each day so that there are no interruptions in the learning process.
- Encourage your student to ask questions before, during, and after class.
- Provide a quiet study area for your student that is free of distractions such as cell phones, televisions, and other electronic devices.
- Encourage your student to reach out to their teacher for extra tutoring or help.
The Barrow County School system uses a 7th grade curriculum developed by Open Up Resources, which is also used for mathematics in the high school mathematics. The Open Up High School Mathematics pathway helps students learn by building connections between conceptual understanding, mathematical representations and modeling, and abstract thinking.

Teacher as a Resource
Your student's teacher likely has opportunities for tutoring and additional help. Encourage your student to reach out to the teacher to see what opportunities are available.
Check the course syllabus for any resources that your student's teacher recommends.
Other Online Resources
8th Grade Mathematics is the third course in a sequence of three required middle school courses designed to ensure career and college readiness.
When will my student take 8th Grade Mathematics?
8th Grade Mathematics is taught in the 8th grade in the Barrow County School System. The pre-requisite for this course is successful completion of 7th grade mathematics. Students typically move to Algebra: Concepts & Connections after successfully completing 8th grade mathematics.
What do students learn?
Students will apply their numeric, algebraic and geometric reasoning skills to make sense of problems involving numbers, algebra, geometry, and statistics.
How can I help my student?
There are several ways that you can assist your student to be successful in 8th Grade Mathematics:
- Encourage your student to attend school each day so that there are no interruptions in the learning process.
- Encourage your student to ask questions before, during, and after class.
- Provide a quiet study area for your student that is free of distractions such as cell phones, televisions, and other electronic devices.
- Encourage your student to reach out to their teacher for extra tutoring or help.
The Barrow County School system uses a 8th grade curriculum developed by Open Up Resources, which is also used for mathematics in the high school mathematics. The Open Up High School Mathematics pathway helps students learn by building connections between conceptual understanding, mathematical representations and modeling, and abstract thinking.

Teacher as a Resource
Your student's teacher likely has opportunities for tutoring and additional help. Encourage your student to reach out to the teacher to see what opportunities are available.
Check the course syllabus for any resources that your student's teacher recommends.
Other Online Resources
Click on a link below to download a PDF of the course information:
ELA: Navigate to a grade level, then select the standards. From there, click on "Course Wide Resources" and then choose "ELA Grade # Development Progression." This will allow you to view the family engagement resources.
Math: Navigate to a grade level, then select the standards. After that, click on "Course Wide Resources" and select "Parent Letter."
This site provides information using PDF, visit this link to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software.