
Pre-K Program

All Barrow County School System (BCSS) Pre-K classes are pending state budget funding and approval of the BCSS Pre-K Grant Agreement by Bright from the Start, Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning.

The BCSS Pre-K classes teach the Bright from The Start GELDS (Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards) using the Frog Street Excel Pre-K curriculum, and the Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Curriculum.

BOLD Beginnings

All BCSS Georgia Pre-K Program classes will be at our ten elementary schools. They will follow the BCSS calendar and elementary school hours (7:30 a.m.-2 p.m.). Bus transportation will be available within your child's elementary school zone. Pre-K students must attend class within their elementary attendance zone (unless student numbers create a need for a combo class).

Pre-K Registration information

The BCSS Pre-K Program accepted online applications for the 2025-2026 Pre-K Lottery from February 3 at 8 a.m. until February 28 at 5 p.m.

If you received an email that your student was selected in the lottery, please click the online registration button below to begin registration.

Have the following ready before you click to register:

  1. Proof of Residency (Dated within 30 days)
    Examples include utility bill (electric, gas, water, cable/satellite, garbage or house phone), settlement statement or rental/lease agreement with signature page. If you're living with someone and do not have proof in your name, contact registration at
    Possible needed forms: Multi-Family Residence Certificate Form | Certificate of Rental Agreement
  2. Parent/Guardian Photo ID (Selfies are not accepted.)
  3. Student’s Birth Certificate (or other acceptable proof of age and identity)
  4. Student’s Social Security Card
    Used for the purposes of identification and for application for the Hope scholarship and other post-secondary applications. You may sign a waiver stating you do not wish to provide a Social Security number at the time of enrollment.
  5. Custody documents (if not the birth parent) or Kinship Caregiver form. This form must be complete and notarized.
  6. Georgia Immunization Form 3231
  7. New Health Form 3300
    The vision, hearing, dental and nutrition screenings reported on the Certificate must have been conducted within one year prior to the time the child is admitted for the first time to a public school. Please be sure the screener signs, dates, and stamps the form.

Please do not take forms to the schools for registration. The registration process must be done online. No in-person visit is needed.

We allow for a range of documents to demonstrate age, residency, identity and immunization status; exceptions will be made where appropriate; and no document will be required that would cause or result in discrimination based on race, color, national origin or immunization status.


Pre-K Lottery Drawing Information

After submitting your Pre-K lottery application, you will receive a confirmation email. The drawing will be March 17, and you will receive a notification the day of the drawing.

Families with more than one child eligible for Pre-K will be drawn together. The lottery consists of random drawings from all applicants within that elementary school attendance zone.

The Pre-K Classes will be filled by randomly selecting 20 students per class, and the school will assign them to their respective Pre-K classes.

All families submitting Pre-K Lottery applications will be notified by email whether their child is on a Pre-K class list or on a waiting list.

Children of full-time BCSS employees (legal guardians) will receive lottery priority and be allowed to enroll in the school of their choice.

Pre-K Contacts

Photo of Dr. Salethia James

Dr. Salethia James

Director of Elementary Education

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