District and School Strategic Plans
Barrow County School System's Strategic Navigation Plan 2021-2026 is intended to ensure all stakeholders - including the school board, district staff, principals, teachers, students, parents, and community members - are working toward a shared set of goals and priorities.
The strategic plan is built on a foundation of FOUR PRIORITY AREAS
Click the image below to review the Strategic Plan PDF or you can expand the + sections below to learn more.
Priority: Create a robust, developmentally appropriate, simplified curriculum that is accessible to teachers, students, parents, and families.
- Provide a safe, nurturing, and challenging learning environment for Pre-K students by establishing an early learning center with age-appropriate indoor and outdoor learning equipment.
- Provide professional learning for Pre-K Staff on the Frog Street EXCEL Pre-K curriculum & collaborate with Bright from the Start Pre-K Specialist for additional training in literacy and math.
- Collaborate with community partners, including Barrow Book Partnership, medical, dental, social, and behavioral services to provide a range of coordinated services for young learners.
- Add additional Pre-K and preschool special education classes to manage program growth.
- Increase kindergarten readiness by exploring ways to increase literacy and math skills in children ages 5 and younger before they enter school.
- Strengthen the induction programs and professional learning opportunities to help teachers and leaders excel as instructional leaders.
- Implement a curriculum-based instructional program for potential and current leaders that focuses on Leader Keys Performance Standards.
- Provide fieldwork, internships, and field experiences as part of the professional learning for aspiring leaders.
- Develop partnerships with local universities to align programs of study with district professional learning initiatives.

- Adopt and implement an elementary mathematics curriculum and provide resources to support it.
- Implement elementary, middle, and high school financial literacy programs to provide students with the knowledge and skills to manage financial resources effectively.
- Provide access to career awareness, career exploration, career preparation, and career training to ensure that students develop an understanding of their strengths, talents, and interests in order to create individualized plans that prepare them for the future.
- Research and implement a system that enables teachers to deliver curriculum and monitor and analyze student performance.
- Utilize data teams and professional learning communities (PLCs) to plan instruction, review assessment data, and analyze student work samples.
- Challenge student use of critical thinking and problem solving through the implementation of innovative programming and instructional strategies.
- Establish an Instructional Council made up of teachers and other practitioners to:
- Assist with curriculum resource selection.
- Participate in decisions for curriculum guidelines and priorities.
- Implement processes to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the approved curriculum and its capacity to produce desired student outcomes.
- Review and make recommendations based on instructional rounds data.
- Assist with the creation and implementation of a comprehensive professional learning plan that includes an evaluation component.
- Implement a systemwide improvement team to review, evaluate, and make recommendations for improving school improvement processes.
- Establish a systemwide graduation team that will research, identify, implement, and evaluate effective practices
- Increase opportunities for student participation in service-learning and charitable outreach.
- Research successful restorative practice programs and implementation guides.
- Increase opportunities for student participation in restorative practices to facilitate social-emotional learning and development.
- Relocate the alternative school program to provide increased access and participation in dual enrollment opportunities offered through Lanier Technical College.
- Develop community partnerships to increase opportunities for students to engage in community service and apprenticeships and to establish a network of services and resources for students.
- Implement a bullying prevention program.
- Provide age-appropriate social-emotional learning that addresses the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) five overarching competencies: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.
- Monitor the implementation, progress, and impact of programs designed to improve social and academic functioning by way of fostering positive learning environments.
Attract, employ, develop and retain a highly effective diverse staff who provide exceptional educational opportunities for all students.
- Develop Student Teacher Induction Programs
- UGA pipeline to hire student teachers as classroom substitutes
- GSU pipeline for Computer Science educators
- Work with local industry to ensure pathways are supportive of local needs
- Work with local industry and colleges to provide a pipeline of support for areas of high need
- Connect high school Career Technical and Agricultural Education Teachers and Community Leaders to provide education for elementary and middle school teachers so they are aware of future opportunities
- Recruit highly qualified teaching staff based on a variety of demographics
- Develop recruitment teams to address the need for diverse staffing
- Ambassador Program or similar
- Community participants
- Build the two Teacher Pathway Programs – Teaching as a Profession or Educators Rising
- Opportunities for teachers from elementary to high school to identify, influence, and encourage students to consider the teaching field
- Signing bonuses and scholarship opportunities for program participants
- Celebrate current alumni and engage them in the recruitment of future teachers
- Build Pipelines for Leadership
- Innovative Teacher Leader program
- Aspiring Administrator program
- Utilize digital learning days
- Continue targeted assessment of staff salaries and supplements

- Designate and protect Professional Learning days
- Designated Professional Learning for all staff (certified and classified) including Technology and Social-Emotional Learning
- Provide time and resources to follow-up on Professional Learning Training
- Utilize Content-Specific Specialists
- Build capacity within each building
Establish BCSS as a destination for work and school to draw families, staff, and industry to Barrow County for our excellent school system.
- Develop a public data dashboard
- Improve internal communication
- Increase consistency of school communication with its families, partners, and community
- Explore additional channels for communication
- Ensure all communication is accessible by parents
- Build enthusiasm and awareness of our innovative learning options available to students
- Increase opportunities to invite our community into our schools
- Build a BCSS Ambassador Program
- Connect students and staff to community leaders
- Reconnect with BCSS Alumni
- Create a virtual Parent Resource Center
- Connect with local minority populations
- Reward everyone that contributes to student success
- Host town hall meetings to stimulate two-way conversation
- Assess and address organizational culture
- Focus on cultural diversity and equity
- Develop Learner, Teacher, Leader, and Parent Profiles
Strategically manage system growth and ensure equitable distribution of resources by maintaining and improving processes for operational excellence, customer service, and shared accountability.
- Continue to update and follow our 5-year Department of Education Local Facilities Plan as well as plans for locally funded projects
- Complete a system guide spec to create consistency in building design and operation
- Continue to build and maintain an asset records database
- Develop preventive maintenance plan for each building trade
- Ensure technology functionality and mission relevance by implementing and funding a 5-year technology refresh cycle
- Annually review and maintain the district 5-year technology plan with District Leadership engagement
- Continue to collaborate with partners in industry, government, and higher education to research and pilot best practices of effectively integrating emerging technologies in ways that are both scalable and sustainable

- Demonstrate fiscal responsibility through thoughtful and consistent oversight of budget development
- Hire a grant writer
- Make sustainable financial decisions which put as much money as close to the classroom as possible and lead to the best decisions and resources for students
- Promote financial transparency and awareness for all internal and external stakeholders
- Assess and improve our zero-based budgeting approach that requires each expense to be reevaluated annually to justify its existence and alignment with the district’s mission statement
news relating to our strategic plan:
Congratulations to our high school bands for their achievements during the 2025 Ge...
Apalachee High School, Barrow Arts and Sciences Academy, and Winder-Barrow High School named Advanced Placement (AP) Honor Schools.
Many smiles, laughs, and happy tears were shared during the 2025 STAR (Student Teacher Achievement Recognition) Breakfast at the Barrow Leisure Services Center on Thursday, Feb. 20, 2025.
Congratulations to the 2025 system-level YGA writing competition winners!
The 2025 Barrow County School System Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl was held January 24, 202...
Congratulations to our outstanding nominees for the Governor's Honors Program (GH...
The Barrow County School System has been honored with the prestigious Golden Radish Awa...
The School Social Worker Association of Georgia has proudly named Laura Etheridge as the 2024-2025 School Social Worker of the Year for District 9.
At BCSS, we screen all K-3 students three times a year to assess early literacy skills. K-3 Parents will be receiving a letter titled, Universal Reading Screening Results Notification. Learn more.
Congratulations to Barrow County School System (BCSS) Special Education Director Amy Wadley for being recognized with the Georgia Parent Mentor Partnership (GaPMP) 2024 Phil Pickens Leadership Award.
Sign up as a Parent Observer in our Canvas Learning Management System (LMS). Here's how.
As part of Barrow County School System’s Strategic Navigation Plan, two initiativ...
School Strategic Plans
As part of the Charter System, each school is also required to have a Strategic Plan. This plan is developed and approved by the School Governance Team. You can view each school's plan by clicking on the name below.
Middle Schools
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