Interested in having a qualified, career-oriented intern for your business? We would like for you to partner with our program to be a worksite for our Work-Based Learning (WBL) students! The mission of WBL is to connect students with experiences in the world of work that enhances the education foundation and career preparation needed to be successful in their chosen career area.
Business Guide to Employing a WBL student
Age? Students are 16-18 years old, a Junior or Senior in High School.
Quality? Students are required to obtain 2 teacher recommendations and have good grades, attendance and behavior in order to be accepted into the program.
Hours? Hours and availability are flexible! Most students leave school between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. and can go directly to their job site. Students can also work their hours on nights and weekends. They must work 7.5 hours a week per WBL period they are scheduled.
Work Skills? Students are preparing for future careers by learning technical and soft skills at school. The WBL program promotes the idea that not all learning happens within the walls of the classroom. Experiential learning not only provides new information and experiences, but also allows students to make a connection between concepts and skills learned in school with applications to real-life experiences in the workplace.
Pay? WBL student interns can be paid or unpaid.
Accountability? The WBL coordinator meets with the student intern multiple times per year and sometimes onsite at the company. They ask the mentor/supervisor to evaluate the student as they would any employee regularly. Students also have to document time worked and have their mentor verify their timesheets.
Georgia House Bill 402
WBL Employers can receive a discount on their Worker's Compensation Insurance when hiring WBL students. See this brochure for a Georgia House Bill 402 explainer.
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