Barrow County School System News
Congratulations to our 2021-22 REACH Georgia Scholars!
The Barrow County School System has achieved a high school graduation rate of 91.0% wit...
October is School Bus Safety Month and a great time to show appreciation to our awesome team!
After evaluating our data, the Barrow County School System will rescind the temporary m...
ArtsNOW has been awarded a $2.78 million Assistance for Arts Education (AAE) grant by t...
Our District Partner in Education Zaxby’s shares their commitment to serving othe...
Wednesday, Nov. 10 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Statham Elementary School 1970 Broad St., S...
We need more ⚡ amazing substitutes ⚡ like Sharon Hutchinson! Sharon retired from educ...
Our Work-Based Learning Program provides work experience for juniors and seniors that align with their career pathway & plans to benefit the student, employer, and community. Learn more!
Fall break is October 4-8. We anticipate reassessing the need for a district-wide mask requirement during the week of October 10.
BCSS families and staff are encouraged to provide input on the development of our acade...
The Barrow County Newcomer Academy serves high school students new to the United States with limited English proficiency. Learn more about this remarkable program!
9/26 UPDATE: During the months of August and September 2022, school and district leader...
We're happy to celebrate the official signing of Piedmont Regional Library System's Barrow County Libraries as a District Partner In Education!
Kennedy Grown Sweet Potatoes For Lunch!
Thanks to Peach State Federal Credit Union, students in our REACH Georgia Scholarship p...
The mission of the Barrow County School System is “Ensuring an exceptional educat...
Most of Georgia’s public school systems are accredited by Cognia, a nonprofit org...
Judy Loftin served Barrow County School System students for 30 years. As a counselor at...
The Barrow County School System has partnered with ESS to manage our substitute program...
Thanks to a USDA grant, our wonderful School Nutrition team prepares a delicious breakfast and lunch for students each school day at no charge. Check out what’s on the menu!
This information in the below article was dated August 2021 and pertained to the 21-22 ...
Our schools and staff continue to practice and follow COVID-19 mitigation efforts and precautions. Student and staff safety is our priority.
Barrow County School System reports the number of positive cases concerning students and staff each week through this link.
Register for our BCSS Technology Competition now through September 2! All 3rd-12th graders may register to complete a project in a specific category. County winners will move to the state competition.
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