
2025 High School Band Achievements

Three high school bands superior

Congratulations to our high school bands for their achievements during the 2025 Georgia Music Educators Association (GMEA) Large Group Performance Evaluation (LGPE). 

Large Group Performance Evaluation (LGPE) is a scored assessment that measures a band’s abilities. A superior rating per GMEA handbook means “Outstanding performance. Worthy of distinction of being recognized as among the very best.

Apalachee High School

The Apalachee High School Concert and Symphonic Bands, along with the Wind Ensemble, achieved superior ratings—the highest possible—from all performance adjudicators and the sight-reading judge.Read more >

Barrow Arts and Sciences Academy

The Blazer Symphonic Band on straight Superior ratings for their stage performance and sight reading at GMEA Large Group Performance Evaluation.

Winder-Barrow High School

Three Winder-Barrow High School Bands performed over two days and received Superior ratings at this year's LGPE. 


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