[Written by: Dan Woschitz | Westside Middle Engineering & Technology Teacher]
Barrow County School System's Innovation Support/Network Administrator Kevin McCage spoke to Dr. Stewart's Career Exploration and Mr. Woschitz' Engineering and Technology classes at Westside Middle School on Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2025.
Mr. McCage spoke to 215 students throughout the day. Topics discussed included technology careers (actually all careers will deal with technology), networking, WiFi, gaming, top technology companies, robotics, Internet filtering, BCSS networking, virtual reality (MetaQuest 3 headsets), drones, Raspberry Pies, Artificial Intelligence, current technology, the future of technology, how to get started in coding (use these websites: Scratch, Code.org, Udemy), and E-Sports.
Mr. McCage emphasized to "start playing with stuff" - old computers, programming websites, etc., if they want to get started with technology. "Spend 10 minutes micro-learning about AI or another technology on YouTube, instead of watching a funny video." Students were engaged and had many questions for Mr. McCage.
We want to thank Mr. McCage for spending the day with us. We learned a great deal about current and future technology.