
Digital Learning Day Support

For a BCSS "Digital Learning Day," students will have the opportunity to continue learning while having the flexibility to complete activities at home. Teachers will provide assignments via Canvas LMS. K-2 grade assignments/materials may be sent home with students as needed (packets, manipulatives, etc.).

The Digital Learning Days for the 2024-2025 school year are November 4 and March 17.

What to Expect

Assignments will be posted for student access by 9 a.m. on the Digital Learning Day. Combined work from all classes will total 2-3 hours (Elementary) or 4-5 hours (Middle/High).

Daily Assignment Information and Expectations


“Georgia’s Pre-K at Home” Choice Board: Complete three activities

Kindergarten - 5th

One assignment in each of these classes: Math, ELA, Science and/or Social Studies*, and Specials**
*Science & Social Studies may be integrated depending on grade level
**Each school will send home Specials Schedule

6th - 8th

One assignment in each class

9th - 12th

One assignment in each class

Tips for Success

Know your username and password

Know how to log in to various platforms: (Chromebook, ClassLink, Microsoft Teams, and/or Canvas LMS).

Charge computer

Make sure that you have a device and it is charged.

Communicate with teacher

Communicate with your teacher when you need help.


On Digital Learning Days, teachers will not be available for office hours due to participation in Professional Learning. Please use Remind to communicate with teachers. Expect a response from your teacher within 24 hours.

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