Student Portal
Students can use the Student Portal to check their grades, attendance, schedules, and get teacher contact information.
The student’s username will be the 5 digit id. Most may know this because it is used in the cafeteria for meal purchases, and may be used in other areas of your school. This is the same number that shows in Infinite Campus as their Student Number. If you have problems locating this for a student, please contact your school registrar.
The student’s password for this system will be defaulted to "<first name initial><last name initial><birthdate MMDDYY>".
If student John Hanks has a student id of 12345 and has a birthdate of February 15, 2001 then:
Username = 12345 and the password = jh021501

Students will be prompted to update their security preferences.
They have up to 3 login attempts where they may select Not Now (see below) and proceed with course selection. On the 4th login attempt, they will be forced to set some accounts security parameters. See last page for more details.

Students will see their personal view of the Portal.
For help with your student portal account, please email
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