
Secondary Grading Practices

All Barrow County School System middle and high schools implement mastery-based grading as part of our common grading practices.

What is mastery-based grading?

Mastery-based grading focuses on how well students understand what they are learning. Grades are based on how much students know and can do versus work completion and effort. This way, grades more accurately reflect what students have truly learned.

Key Features of Mastery-based grading

  1. Clear Learning Goals: All students in Barrow County Schools receive instruction aligned to the Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE). Students are graded on how well they meet specific learning goals aligned to the GSE.
  2. Focus on Learning: Grades inform and show progress towards mastery of learning. Students earn their grades based upon what they know and can do. Grades only reflect academic performance, not student behavior.
  3. Multiple Opportunities to Demonstrate Learning: Students have chances to improve and show what they’ve learned in different ways. Reteaching and retesting opportunities are provided for students to help them improve and demonstrate mastery of the learning.
  4. Use of Formative and Summative Assessments: Formative assessments are practice activities that help students prepare for bigger tests or projects. Summative assessments are final evaluations of what students have learned.

How are final course grades calculated?

  • Grades are organized using terms, categories, and weights. Grading terms serve as timelines for when grades are posted for students. Categories and weights are used to provide further clarity and to ensure equitable weighting of individual grades throughout the term.
  • Student proficiency is reported using a 100-point system as outlined in the table below.
Numerical grade letter grade
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
69 and below F

Middle school grading

  • Core academic classes and select connections classes are yearlong. The remaining connections classes are one semester in length. Each semester is made up of two quarters (9 weeks). Middle school students also receive interim progress grades (4.5 weeks into each quarter). Semester grades are used to calculate a final grade at the end of the course.

  • Two grading categories, formative (40%) and summative (60%), are used to communicate grades. High school courses taught at the middle school level follow HS grading guidelines.

  • Grade reports are visible in Infinite Campus student and parent portal.

High school grading

  • Courses can be one semester or yearlong in length. During semester courses, students receive quarterly grades (each 9 weeks). Yearlong courses consist of two semesters with four quarterly grading periods.

  • Teacher teams discuss and agree upon common grading categories for each course.

  • Courses with state-mandated assessments use an end-of-course assessment in lieu of a final exam, which is weighted at 10% of the final course grade. EOC-tested courses include: Algebra: Concepts & Connections, American Literature, Biology, and United States History.

  • Grade reports are visible in Infinite Campus student and parent portal.

Contact Us

For more information about mastery-based grading or if you have specific questions, please contact your child’s teacher or the school administration.

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