
BOLD Begins Here Graphic

Pre-K Waiting List 

Thank you for your interest in the BCSS Pre-K program! Parents interested in placing their child(ren) on the waiting list are encouraged to complete the online registration form below. Any openings that become available in the Pre-K classes will be filled using the waiting list from that school attendance zone. The Pre-K Director will keep documentation on file of the progression of the waiting lists.

If your child was not in the BCSS Pre-K Lottery in March, please complete the waiting list form below. Once that information is provided, your child will be placed on the Pre-K waiting list for their elementary school attendance zone.

Waiting list numbers (by school) and a list of additional providers in Barrow County can be seen below.

Additional daycare Providers in Barrow County

Other Providers in Barrow Coutny

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