Many students struggle with the transition from middle school to high school. Gavin Grider was no exception. Due to his poor grades and attendance, faculty began intervening very early during Gavin’s freshman year. He simply did not want to come to school. In fact, if it weren’t for the school social worker’s enforcement of the compulsory school attendance law, Gavin would have never walked through the doors of Winder-Barrow High School. However, attendance doesn’t always equal good grades. For Gavin, academics were still not a priority. His passions at the time involved cars and computers, and his grades were evidence of his disinterest in education.
As Gavin’s sophomore year began, the same pattern of behavior immediately resurfaced. For the first month, his grades were hit-or-miss. In some classes, he showed improvement and began passing with flying colors...while other classes became riddled with missing assignments and poor test grades. Gavin’s second month brought a positive change. He began to excel in his classes. He began making up his missing work and performing much better on his assessments. Three months later, Gavin is now finding his groove. He is excelling on his tests, working diligently on his assignments, and becoming engaged in his education. Gavin’s teachers have certainly noticed the change, and are quick to share how proud they are of his transformation.
One of his teachers, Mr. Costello, remarked, “When the graduation specialist comes to your room to talk about a student that is on her roster, I mentally prepare myself for a student that will need extra support and love. A few weeks into this semester she stopped by, and I was 100% confident that I knew what student she was going to be talking to be about. . . I was totally wrong. She was there to talk about Gavin. Gavin!?!? Gavin who scored a 99 on the first test? Gavin that aced the first project? My first thought was oh no, I have a student that goes by Gavin and I’ve been calling them the wrong name. But no. Apparently, Gavin had a rough go here last year but is a totally new student this year. He gets his work done, needs minimal to no reminders or redirection, and is a great addition to the class.”
Gavin’s story is a reminder that one bad moment, grade, class, or even year does not define personal success. A change in mindset, motivation and good habits can change the trajectory of a situation. Gavin’s newfound dedication to his education has not only earned the respect of his teachers but has set him on the path to a bright future.