
Grad Track Student Spotlight: Laine Felcan

Laine Felcan

Barrow Arts and Sciences Academy (BASA) senior, Laine Felcan was added to the Grad Track caseload by BASA Graduation Specialist, Amber Hagy, at the beginning of his sophomore year after failing Algebra 1 during his freshman year. He continued to struggle with academic classes during his sophomore and junior years.

At the end of his junior year, an academic support meeting was held to discuss Laine’s pathway to graduation options. Due to the number of credits that he needed to graduate; Laine had a challenging schedule of all academics both semesters of his senior year plus an extra class at Foothills Regional High School. This was 9 academic classes in a school year where most students only have 4 academics and 4 electives.

Following the summer break after his junior year, Laine returned to school for his senior year with a new attitude and outlook on his educational journey. He has still faced obstacles and challenges but with the support of his family, friends, teachers and graduation specialist, Laine has successfully passed four out of the nine academic classes needed to graduate and in just a few short weeks will have passed all nine.

Social studies teacher, Nick Schuff shares, "I have had the pleasure of having Laine for American Government, Economics, and United States History. It has been so much fun seeing Laine grow into a confident, determined young man over the course of each of those classes. I know he has worked especially hard at the end of his high school tenure, and his hard work has proven to pay off and will serve him well wherever he goes and whatever he decides to do next. Through it all, he has remained extremely respectful, and his cheerful disposition has never faded. He remains one of my favorite students because of his all-around good nature and personality. I am so proud of Laine, and I cannot wait to see what he does next!"

English teacher, Casey Nissenbaum states, “Laine is the sweetest, kindest young man at BASA. He always says hello and is friendly to all. Though he struggled to graduate, he never gave up! I admire his determination. He is a good egg, and he will be missed.”

Finally, science teacher, Kearsten Jones elaborates, “For the past three years, I've witnessed Laine’s resilience in the face of adversity. Whether it was grappling with difficult coursework, managing personal challenges, or navigating the complexities of life, Laine rarely allowed setbacks to deter him from his goals. Instead, he met each challenge with a spirit of perseverance and made sure to “lock in", as he likes to say. Congratulations, Laine, on this momentous achievement. May your graduation be just the beginning of a future filled with success, fulfillment, and endless possibilities. I am so proud of the incredible person you've become and can't wait to see all that you will accomplish in the years ahead.”

Laine is a perfect example of a Grad Track student who has exemplified that hard work and determination can make a difference. We at BASA are very proud of Laine and can’t wait to watch him walk across the stage at graduation in May of 2024!

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