
Grad Track Student Spotlight: Victoria Looney

Victoria Looney

Victoria Looney is an Apalachee senior who has worked hard to make her way to graduation. She has committed herself to her studies and is doing some amazing things this school year. Apalachee is so proud of how far she has come during her high school career.  

The class of 2024’s first year of high school was nothing what they expected it to be. Rather than being at Apalachee to start the year, the students started school virtually. This model of learning did not suit Victoria very well and she quickly found herself falling behind. Things improved as the year progressed, but Victoria fell a little short with her coursework and she did not pass all her classes. This put her behind going into her sophomore year.  

Sophomore year was a fresh start and Victoria was determined to turn things around. She got involved with the chorus program and quickly became a standout in that class. Victoria also earned high marks in the majority of her classes and quickly got herself back on track. Her grades continued to climb her junior year and she finished the school year with six A’s added to her transcript. Additionally, she worked hard after school to recover a math credit at Foothills.  

Victoria has thrived in her senior year and is doing well in all her classes. Beyond her grades, she has only missed one day of school which is a remarkable achievement. She attributes a lot of her success to two of her teachers, Mr. Grant and Mr. Linnartz. She shared that Mr. Grant is, “a wonderful teacher who is super nice and understanding.” And for Mr. Linnartz, she said, “he is an amazing teacher who tells the best stories and is just a ball of joy.”  

Victoria’s dream is to go to SCAD after high school, she he is also looking at other options. She wants to pursue a career in digital arts or graphic design. Victoria’s work ethic and dedication will serve her well in whatever path she chooses after high school.  

Apalachee is so proud of the strides Victoria has made and looks forward to seeing her graduate on May 24.  

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