Special Education teachers
Click the position to access the official job description.
Job openings
- Special Education Teacher: Westside Middle
- Special Education Teacher: Bethlehem Elementary
- Special Education Teacher: Statham Elementary
- SpED Brailist: Holsenbeck Elementary
- SPED Interrelated Teacher All Subjects: Kennedy Elementary
- SPED Interrelated Teacher All Subjects: Holsenbeck Elementary
- SPED Mod Intell Disabl Teacher All Subjects: Kennedy Elementary
- SpED GNETS Paraprofessional: Russell Middle
- SPED Mod Intell Disabl Teacher All Subjects: Winder Elementary
- SPED Interrelated Teacher All Subjects: Bramlett Elementary
- SpED GNETS Paraprofessional: County Line Elementary

The salary range is dependent upon experience. Barrow County School System offers an impressive benefits package, including the Teacher Retirement System (TRS) which provides pension benefits upon retirement. As a 190-day calendar employee, you will share many of the school breaks. See our staff calendars.
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