
AHS Engineering Pathway Courses

Welcome to Engineering and Technology at Apalachee High School. In this classroom students are challenged to use their problem-solving and critical thinking skills to design and create solutions using a variety of tools, machines, and software. Our classroom has 3D printers, laser cutters, and traditional workshop tools to assist students will bringing their ideas into reality. Students learn various software applications and the design process to design and create their solutions. As a CTAE course we explore various fields of engineering and work to develop strong employability skills for a 21 C. workplace.

Foundations of Engineering and Technology

The Foundations of Engineering and Technology is the introductory course for the Engineering and Technology Education pathways. This STEM driven course provides the students with an overview of engineering and technology including the different methods used in the engineering design process developing fundamental technology and engineering literacy. Students will demonstrate the skills and knowledge they have learned through various project based activities while using an engineering design process to successfully master the “E” in STEM. The pre-requisite for this course is advisor approval.

Engineering Concepts

Engineering Concepts is the second course in the Engineering and Technology Pathway. Students will learn to design technical solutions to engineering problems using a whole systems approach to engineering design. Students will demonstrate the application of mathematical tools, teamwork, and communications skills in solving various design challenges, while maintaining a safe work environment. The prerequisite for this course is Foundations of Engineering and Technology.

Engineering Applications

Engineering Applications is the third course in the Engineering and Technology Pathway. Students will apply their knowledge of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) to develop solutions to technological problems. Solutions will be developed using a combination of engineering software and prototype production processes. Students will use market research, cost benefit analysis, and an understanding of the design cycle to create and present design, marketing, and business plans for their solutions. A capstone project will allow students to demonstrate their depth of knowledge of the engineering design process and prepare them for future opportunities in the field of engineering. The prerequisite for this course is Engineering Concepts.​

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