School Governance
A charter system is a local school system that is operating under the terms of a contract between the local Board of Education and the State Board of Education as provided by the Charter Systems Act. A Charter System provides the opportunity for teachers, administrators, parents, and school boards to have greater flexibility to determine the educational needs of students within their district and requires a certain degree of school level governance in the system. To become a charter system, the local school system must submit a charter school petition to the Department of Education after such petition has been approved by the local board. As a charter system all schools within the system are charter schools.
AHS Governance Team Members
Charity Lee - Teacher Representative
Omeed Behzadi - Teacher Representative, Vice-Chair
Akua Opoku - Student Representative
Jadon Brown - Student Representative
Sharron Pough-Moody - Parent Representative
Debby Hawkins - Community Representative
AHS Governance Team 2024-25 Meeting Dates
School Governance meetings will begin at 11:15 a.m in-person at AHS.
Tuesday, September 18th
Tuesday, October 16th
Tuesday, November 20th
Tuesday, December 18th
Tuesday, January 21st at 12:15pm
Tuesday, February 18th
Tuesday, March 18th
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