

Apalachee High School Bands … preserving traditions of pride, unity, family and excellence!

Who we are ...

We firmly believe that the student should improve through daily practice. In the band program, we feel that when the student has lost the will to improve himself in order to make a better contribution to his fellow man, he is perhaps wasting the time of the school, his fellow students, and the community by continuing in this program. We are firmly convinced that the happiest student is the one who is improving themselves through regular habits of practice and daily progress. He must not only know right from wrong, but must be able to stand for his principles. He must develop a high sense of purpose toward which he is willing to work.

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Band News

Three high school bands superior

Congratulations to our high school bands for their achievements during the 2025 Ge...

Apalachee Band Performance

On February 27, the Apalachee Bands, including the Concert and Symphonic Bands and...

District 14 Honor Band Announcement

Apalachee High School had ten students selected to participate in the District 14 Honor...

Performing Ensembles

Symphonic Band and Concert Band
The foundation for band at Apalachee High School begins in the Concert and Symphonic Bands. These bands rehearse every day during school for the academic year, as well as some after school rehearsals. In this setting, the principles of music and basic fundamentals of playing are taught, rehearsed, and developed.

As band students at Apalachee High School, students should enroll in one of these classes. Each class is tailored to fit the needs of the students. We encourage students interested in participating in the Wind Symphony to study with a private instructor.

The Marching Cats
The Apalachee High School Marching Band, which incorporates the color guard, drumline, front ensemble (pit), and wind players into one unit. It begins rehearsing in the summer and continues through football season. Performances of the ensemble include all varsity football game (home and away), marching band festivals, competitions, and various parades. The marching band is the most visible element of the AHS band program.

The AHS Marching Cats is an extra-curricular activity for all ninth through twelfth grade band students. A requirement for participation in the Marching Cats is enrollment in a band class for the fall and spring semesters each year.

Color Guard
The color guard is comprised of girls who audition for this element of the marching band. The guard is the visual element of the marching band and provides flag and dance routines to music performed on the field. Any student in good standing at AHS has eligibility to audition for the color guard. The auditions for the color guard occur in the late spring of each year. The color guard travels with the Marching Band to all football games, festivals and competitions.

Jazz Band
The Apalachee High School Jazz Band serves as a laboratory for the study of jazz ensemble literature and style. The jazz band rehearses during "ROAR."

The ensemble utilizes the standard big-band instrumentation of saxophones, trumpets, trombones and full rhythm section, piano, bass, drum set and other instruments as needed. Enrollment in a concert band class is a requirement for participation in Jazz Band. Exceptions to the rule occur for piano and bass players.

Chamber Ensembles
Chamber ensembles exist for the study of certain literature and involve performances. These ensembles may perform at Solo and Ensemble festival and/or community and church functions. Chamber ensembles include but are not limited to the following: instrumental duets, brass quintet, woodwind quintet, brass choir, percussion ensemble, etc. All enrolled in band class participate in a chamber ensemble concert in late October each year. Rehearsals for this concert occur during band class.

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