
Media Center

Hannah Shuler

Hannah Shuler

Media Specialist

Alex Guined

Alexandria Guined

Media Clerk

Welcome to the Yargo Elementary Media Center.

We are fortunate to have a great collection of materials in our Media Center! We encourage students and teachers to use this resource. Individual students may come to the media center at any time during the school day (8 a.m. – 3 p.m., with their teacher’s permission) to check out books, study, do research, or read for pleasure. Individual classes are scheduled by the teachers for specialized or enrichment instruction. It is our goal for these lessons to directly reflect the curriculum in the classroom. This will enhance children’s understanding of content topics while teaching them how to best utilize our library and its resources. Classes also come to the Media Center to hear stories, check out books, and receive instruction in library skills.

Each school year begins with an orientation of the Media Center. All grades schedule a time to visit the library to learn (or be reminded of) the procedures, rules, and general expectations. Upon completion of these secessions, students may begin the year-long process of checking out books (one book for grades PK-1st or two books for grades 3rd – 5th). All books are loaned for two weeks, but may be returned sooner, or renewed with the librarian’s permission. Books must be returned on time. There are no fines for overdue books. However, if a student has an overdue book, s/he will not be allowed to check out any others until the overdue one is returned. If a child loses or damages a library book, s/he may not check out another book until full payment for the book has been made.

Yargo’s Media Center hosts several special events throughout the year. In October, we have our Fall Book Fair. Following that, in November, we celebrate our love for reading with our Book Character Day and Parade. March is Dr. Seuss’ birthday month, so we “Read Across America” in celebration of his wonderful books! Finally, toward the end of the school year, we host our Spring Book Fair. Stocking up for summer reading is why this event is always a Buy One Get One fair! Happy Reading! :)

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