
YES September Update

YES September Updates

YES Families, 

September started out different than normal, but our students have been resilient and happy to return to their school.  We talk each day upon arrival during our scheduled "Morning Meeting" about how we can support one another and practice kindness.  During September, we have all seen how notes were encouraging, support dogs brightened our day, and kind words uplifted our hearts.  All were able to witness the help of the community and importance of first responders.  The children of Yargo have witnessed how the Wildcat community joined together as one.  We are so thankful for our Wildcat Nation. 

As the month continues, we are excited to share Yargo happenings on our social media page.  You are invited to see all the wonderful learning opportunities that engage our students.  Classes have partnered up to become book buddies with one another, and others have become math detectives to search for math clues in the building.  It is not uncommon to see students working with a buddy to share math word problem solutions or science experiment processes.  Yargo is truly a great place to be! 

Our students are currently preparing for their Technology Club competition and the Hellen Ruffin Reading bowl.  Our hallways "buzz" during the day, and they continue to "buzz" after school.  Farm Club is about to begin, and so is the after-school Chorus.  This is an exciting time of year at Yargo!  Students love to learn, and they are thankful for all who help make their learning experiences successful!  

Families and community, you truly help in the growth of the children of Yargo.  Thank you!  Our relationship with you is key! Thank you for all you do! 


BCSS September Updates

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