Partners in Education
District Partners in Education
Thank you to our District Partners in Education. District partners commit to fulfilling our 4-Star Program at each of our schools and programs in the district. Their incredible generosity impacts each of the students and staff in the Barrow County School System.
Multi-School partners commit to fulfilling our 4-Star Program in nine or more of our schools and programs. Thank you for your support and impact on our community.
WES Partners in Education
All schools in Barrow County are part of the Business Partners In Education Program. This program gives local businesses an opportunity to become part of a school community. It also demonstrates to students that community leaders can make a difference in education. Schools and businesses join forces to provide resources, volunteers, and financial support for the children in our community.
Become a Partner in Education
If you would like to be a Partner in Education, please contact one of our coordinators.
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