Bramlett Elementary School News
Four of our elementary schools have shown wonderful support for the Kids Heart Challeng...
We'd like to remind you Barrow County School System will hold a distance learning d...
Congratulations to our school and system level Young Georgia Authors Writing Competitio...
For students who registered a project idea by February 28th, 2021, the window to submit...
Barrow County School System will hold distance learning days on March 11, April 1 and April 2.

The BCSS Pre-K Program will be accepting online applications for the 21-22 Pre-K Lottery from March 1 - April 2. Get details.
Build your BOLD teaching career with the Barrow County School System. Schedule an online "Meet & Greet" with individual schools March 12, 13 or 15!
Due to the possibility of black ice, we will delay the start of school tomorrow morning by two hours.
At the beginning of the 2015-16 school year, Barrow County School System rolled out its...
The fall semester ended on December 18, 2020. On December 21, 2020, the State Board ...
We are looking forward to seeing our students on Monday! In preparation, we all must do...
Here are symptoms to watch for
Substitutes who work 30 days between January 11 and February 28 will earn an extra $500 bonus!
Barrow County School System hopes you and your family had a wonderful winter break. We ...
We invite you to enjoy Barrow County School System’s Online Winter Art Gallery fo...
Congratulations BCSS families! We have almost made it through our first semester of thi...
Have a happy and safe winter holiday break!
We have one week of school left until the winter break. Barrow County School System wan...
Barrow County School System hopes you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We ...
Breakfast and lunch are available at NO COST through the end of the 2020-2021 school year for all children ages 0 to 18 years.
All enrollment changes must be submitted no later than Nov. 20.
As we head into the holiday season, we need your help to ensure our schools can remain open for students.
Substitutes who work 30 days between now and December 18th will earn an extra $500 bonus!
Report Cards, Enrollment Changes, Job Opportunities
Students return 5 days a week starting Sept 21
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