
School Governance Team (SGT)

A charter system is a local school system that is operating under the terms of a contract between the local Board of Education and the State Board of Education as provided by the Charter Systems Act. A charter system provides the opportunity for teachers, administrators, parents, and school boards to have greater flexibility to determine the educational needs of students within their district and requires a certain degree of school level governance in the system. To become a charter system, the local school system must submit a charter school petition to the Department of Education after such petition has been approved by the local board. As a charter system all schools within the system are charter schools.

The SGT is entrusted with the responsibility of providing input, making recommendations, and rendering decisions regarding various aspects of the instructional program of the school and the school’s operational scheme. The Bramlett SGT is composed of two teachers, elected by the Bramlett staff, two parents, two business partners and the principal. At present, we are in need of another parent to serve on this dynamic team. The SGT will meet monthly during the school year. The establishment of the SGT, pursuant to the Barrow County Schools Charter System petition, is intended to help local boards of education develop and nurture participation, bring parents and the community together with teachers and school administrators to create a better understanding of and mutual respect for each other's concerns, and share ideas for school improvement.

BRES Governance Team Members:

Chris Whitworth - Principal
Katie Garner -Assistant Principal De Facto Member and Recorder
Michelle Edwards - Teacher Representative/Chair
Michael Rotunda - Parent Representative/Vice Chair
Haleigh McCain - Teacher Representative
Sarah Hanson - Parent Representative
Jason Hutchins - Community Representative
Stacey Conkin - Community Representative

BRES School Governance Team Meetings:

All meetings will be at 8 a.m. at BRES.

Monday, Aug. 26
Monday, Sep. 30
Monday, Nov. 4
Monday, Dec. 9
Monday, Jan. 27
Monday, Feb. 24
Monday, Mar. 31
Monday, Apr. 21
Monday, May 19

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