Art club will meet in the BRES Art Room and pick up will be at the Bus Loop. There is a $10 club fee.
4th & 5th Grade: Thursdays in October - December from 2-2:45.
2nd & 3rd Grade: Thursdays in Feburary - March from 2-2:45
1st & 3rd Thursday of each month from 2:00 - 2:45 pm. Limited to 10 students, 4th & 5th grade students.
Sponsor: Amber Hagy
Activities: Learn all about news reporting, acting, directing. Record content that will be shared during the school day.
Purpose: Students can learn more about AVTF and discover new passions and dreams.
Sponsor(s): Pam Freed & Andrea Laird
Activities: Meetings are held a twice a month - one informal book talk with snacks & one competitive meeting.
Purpose: To encourage students' discovery of their best potential by introducing them to quality literature, and to encourage improved comprehension through friendly competition.
Club Sponsor: Derrick Seuser
Purpose: Enhance problem solving and critical thinking skills.
Activities: Puzzles, Stories to solve, building, and creating.
Tuesdays beginning September 17 - December 2 from 2:00 - 2:50 pm. Available to grades 3-5. Free to join!
Club Sponsor: Val Hyde
Activities: Singing, dancing, theater, crafting.
Purpose: Have fun learning about acting and singing.
Sponsor: Michelle Edwards & Coach Kim
Activities: Students will engage in outdoor activities to learn about taking care of the earth.
Purpose: Green Thumb Club offers students a hands-on learning experience, allowing children to learn, grow, and connect with the outdoors.
Sponsor: Kaylee Baty
Activities: Pre-K - 2nd grade meets Tuesdays at 2:15 - 2:50 PM. 3rd - 5th Grade meets Thursdays at 2:15 - 2:50 PM.
Purpose: Learn the skill of tap dancing. Shoes can be bought at Target or borrowed from Ms. Baty.
Sponsor(S): Stacy Anderson & Alesha Stanley
Activities: Meet Mondays from 2:00pm - 2:40 pm. September through December meetings.
Purpose: Designed to teach students the basic stitches to crochet and knit. Our club will foster a sense of community and patience, as students will work together.
Sponsor: Margaret McDonald
Activities: Meet Tuesdays from November - March from 2:00 - 2:45 PM.
Purpose: Encourage 3rd and 4th Grade students to learn about health & fitness for a positive, healthy lifestyle.

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