
Photo of Jordan Bohannon

Jordan Bohannon

Language Arts

My name is Ms. Bohannon, and I am so excited to be your teacher this year!

This is my fifth year teaching, and my sixth year at Apalachee. I student taught at AHS during the 2015-2016 school year while I was completing my Bachelors of Science in English Education at the University of Georgia. In 2019, I completed my Masters of Education in Language and Literacy Education at UGA. This year I'm teaching 9th grade honors literature, 10th grade AP Language, and 11th grade honors American Literature. I also have a student teacher with me for the duration of the year, Ms. Rakestraw!

I have a cat named Benvolio, yes he's named after a Romeo and Juliet character, but I call him Benny for short. I also have a dog named Bindi, but I call her Bibi. In my spare time, I enjoy reading, running, and spending time with friends. I hope to share my love for reading with you this semester! I think reading can be a trans-formative task that has the power to change hearts and minds.

I truly believe that your generation can and will change the world. My hope is that through language arts you all find your voice. My goal is to teach you how to use that voice to act with empathy, advocate for equity, and fight injustice. I went to school to become a teacher because I enjoyed literature; I stayed because I realized that socially engaged teenagers with the right tools and the right people in their corners can make this world a space that is welcoming and accepting of difference and diversity.

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