
March Senior of the Month: Lucas Baughcum

March 2025 Senior of the Month: Lucas Baughcum

Apalachee High School would like to recognize Lucas Baughcum as our Chamber of Commerce Senior of the Month for March 2025.  It does not take long to realize how exceptionally talented Lucas is.  Lucas has a Cumulative GPA of 102. That lofty GPA includes fourteen Honors/Gifted courses and ten Advanced Placement courses.  Lucas will be an Honors Graduate in 49 days, and is currently ranked 14th in his class of 440 students.   

Lucas attained that incredible GPA while dedicating many hours to Fine Arts. Lucas has participated in two GHSA sanctioned One-Act Plays: ‘Matilda’ and’ When You Comin’ Back Red Rider’.  Later this month, he will have performed in his seventh show with the Apalachee Theater Program.  Lucas will be the lead character of Seymour in the play Little Shop of Horrors.  Lucas has competed in two GHSA sanctioned Literary Competitions as a Soloist and as part of the Quartet. He has even dabbled in Technology as he competed in the Barrow County Technology Competition during his 8th grade year at Westside Middle, placing second for Game Design.   

Lucas not only participates in many extra-curricular activities, he also leads.  Lucas is the Section Leader for Basses in the AHS Choir.  He has served as assistant music director for the play ‘Into the Woods’, and he serves as a Student Ambassador for AHS. 

Lucas’s accomplishments include being named an AP Scholar with Honors. The International Thespian Society has named Lucas a National Honor Thespian for exceptional commitment to the ideals of the Society and distinguished work in the field of theatre. Lucas is a member of Tri-M, has lettered in Theater and Chorus, and has received The Congress Future Medical Leaders Award of Excellence that recognizes students who demonstrate leadership and dedication to medicine.    

Next Fall, Lucas hopes to attend the Hugh Hodgson School of Music at UGA. He has already been recognized as a UGA Merit recipient.  Lucas wants to pursue a degree in music education.   

Please join us in recognizing Lucas Baughcum as the Apalachee Chamber of Commerce Senior of the Month for March 2025.  

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