yes program
Youth Employment Services, known as the YES program - at Sims Academy is a class for students in their senior year of high school. The YES Program is partnered with Goodwill of N.E. Georgia, Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency, and High School High Tech, with the goal of helping seniors be better prepared for independent employment after high school.

The 3 phases of the program:
Phase 1: Class at Sims--Fall Semester
- Skills assessments are given to students to find out what careers would be a good fit for them. Students will learn employability skills and soft skills such as searching for a job, writing a resume, and interviewing. They will also learn how to manage their pay and benefits once employed.
- Through the support of High School High Tech and Vocational Rehabilitation, students will tour local manufacturing facilities and distribution centers to learn about employment opportunities.
- The class is taught 2 days a week by a Goodwill case manager. Other days, the class will be taught by the Sims Academy YES Program Coordinator, Mrs. Carlisle.
**In order to move to Phase 2, the student must be deemed as motivated and dependable.
Phase 2: Paid Internship--Spring semester
- Goodwill Career Specialists find and secure an internship location in the student's area of interest. Students must have their own transportation or a reliable way to get to a from work. Students can work up to 25 hours a week and must work at least 4 hours a week and will be paid $7.25 an hour.
- The YES Program Coordinator and the Goodwill case manager will check on the student once week at work to provide guidance and support as students transition to work. Progress and goals are discussed between the employer, the student, and the teachers.
Phase 3: Support for full-time job placement after graduation.
What kind of student should be recommended for the YES class?
- Student must have a desire to work after high school
- Student must be in their 4th and final year of high school
- Student must have room in their schedule for 1 YES class at Sims (fall semester) and 1 YES class for the internship (spring semester)
- Student must be ready for independent employment
- Student must have an IEP and be eligible for VR services/on VR caseload
- Student must read on 3rd grade reading level or higher
- Student should have transportation for spring semester internship
Enrollment Forms
YES Program
Leah Carlisle earned a BSEd from The University of Georgia in 2004. Mrs. Carlisle is K-...
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