
Mindy Reid
A Message from Mrs. Reid
Welcome to Bethlehem Elementary, home of the STARS! My name is Mindy Reid, and I am proud to serve as the principal of our amazing school! I absolutely love our school! We have the best students and families, and the community support we receive is outstanding. We pride ourselves on our family atmosphere, positive energy, and love for our students. We not only help our students achieve high levels in their academics, we also support them in learning important character and citizenship traits that will help them become kind, responsible, and productive citizens. At BES, we are always Striving To Achieve Remarkable Success!

Assistant Principal
Stephanie Martin
A Message from Mrs. Martin
Hello! I am Stephanie Martin, and I am thrilled to be serving as assistant principal at Bethlehem Elementary this year! Prior to coming to Bethlehem, I was a classroom teacher at Bramlett Elementary for 13 years. I take pride in my work as an educator in the Barrow County School System and consider myself a life-long learner. I look forward to continuing my own learning in my new role as assistant principal. I am passionate about serving others, and it is my hope to serve the students, teachers, staff members and Bethlehem Elementary community. I believe that both collaboration and communication are two keys to success in education, and it will be my honor and pleasure to be a part of this great school and community!
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