
Barrow Arts & Sciences Academy News

Join the Summer Learning Challenge

Join our 68 Days of Summer Learning Challenge! The goal is to increase the amount of time students engage in reading and practicing math during the summer to prevent what's known as the "summer slide."

AHS artwork by student Meygan Baker

Spring Art Gallery

May 20, 2021

We are happy to announce our 2021 Spring Visual Art Galleries are now open! The galleries feature student creations from every BCSS school. We invite you to enjoy them all!

Free and Reduced Lunch Form 2020-21

We want to alert our families to a possible benefit in which you may be eligible to rec...

Starting next school year (2021-22), 11th grade BASA students will have the option...

Young Georgia Author Northeast RESA Winner

BASA is so proud of this Blazer! Congratulations to Alyssa Holdcroft -- chosen as the Y...

Digital Learning Option 2021-22 Barrow Online Campus

The Barrow County School System welcomes and encourages all students to return to in-pe...

PLAY Library Card Program

Barrow County School System student ID numbers will now act as a library card number for our public libraries! Learn about the PLAY (PINES Library Access for Youth) Library Card program.

Distance Learning Days and Spring Break Reminders

Details about Distance Learning Days and Spring Break.

Sunset Stanzas

BASA Cultural Connections is proud to welcome spoken word poet Marquice Williams o...

BASA to Offer AP Capstone Diploma Program

Diploma Program Focuses on College-Level Research, Collaboration, and Presentation Skills Crucial for College and Career Success

Spring Testing

Spring Testing Dates

March 19, 2021

Get details about our spring Milestones testing calendar and other important dates for the remainder of the school year.

Carol and Gene McGrevin Scholarship Fund

We are excited to announce that Carol and Gene McGrevin have established a scholarship ...

Dual Enrollment Automotive Program

Automotive Q&A Night

March 15, 2021

Learn more about the Dual Enrollment Automotive program on March 17. Click for details.

March Calendar Reminders

We'd like to remind you Barrow County School System will hold a distance learning d...

2020-2021 Young Georgia Authors BASA Winner

Congratulations to our school and system level Young Georgia Authors Writing Competitio...

Barrow Student Technology Competition. Time to submit your project

For students who registered a project idea by February 28th, 2021, the window to submit...

Distance Learning Days March 11, April 1 & 2

Distance Learning Days

March 1, 2021

Barrow County School System will hold distance learning days on March 11, April 1 and April 2.

Virtual Teacher Career Fair

Virtual Teacher Career Fair

February 26, 2021

Build your BOLD teaching career with the Barrow County School System. Schedule an online "Meet & Greet" with individual schools March 12, 13 or 15!

CTAE Month 2021

CTAE Rocks!

February 16, 2021

February is CTAE Month and our students and staff wanted to share what they love about the courses and Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO).

Two-hour delay for Feb. 16

2-Hour Delay for Feb. 16

February 15, 2021

Due to the possibility of black ice, we will delay the start of school tomorrow morning by two hours.

On February 8 and 9, BASA hosted grade-level orientations for course registration. The ...

BASA building exterior

Because we are not able to welcome visitors on campus at this time, each of our teacher...

AHS Zoom Strategic Meeting Participant Photo

At the beginning of the 2015-16 school year, Barrow County School System rolled out its...

First Dual Enrollment Welding Cohort

Winder-Barrow High School, Apalachee High School and Barrow Arts and Sciences Academy s...

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