
Barrow Arts & Sciences Academy News

BASA Partners with Be THE Voice

September 23, 2021

The Barrow Arts and Sciences Academy is proud to announce that it has partnered with Be THE Voice.

Temporary Mask Requirement Sept. 21 Update

Fall break is October 4-8. We anticipate reassessing the need for a district-wide mask requirement during the week of October 10.

Academic Calendar Survey for the Barrow County School System

Academic Calendar Survey

September 20, 2021

BCSS families and staff are encouraged to provide input on the development of our acade...

Students helping to build apiary and pollinator garden

Our Campus Outdoor Enhancement Project has received several grants to increase biodiver...

Family Chats Logo and September Info

Family Chat - September

September 8, 2021

Here at BASA, we recognize that we are a part of a team whose goal is to prepare our st...

Blue Logo with Flame - 7Mindsets Models of the Month

Congratulations to our 7Mindsets Models of the Month for August 2021!  These Blaze...

Temporary Mask Requirement for BCSS Starts Sept. 1

The mission of the Barrow County School System is “Ensuring an exceptional educat...

Cognia Accreditation Parent Survey

Most of Georgia’s public school systems are accredited by Cognia, a nonprofit org...

Temporary Mask Requirement for BASA Effective Thursday, August 26, 2021

Temporary Mask Requirement

August 25, 2021

Dear Barrow Arts & Sciences Academy Families,  Thank you for continuin...

Join our Team with ESS Substitutes. Every Day Counts.

The Barrow County School System has partnered with ESS to manage our substitute program...

BCSS COVID-19 Protocol Update

This information in the below article was dated August 2021 and pertained to the 21-22 ...

Mrs. Hollingsworth is a co-author of a publication presented this summer at the 50th In...

21-22 COVID-19 Cases

Barrow County School System reports the number of positive cases concerning students and staff each week through this link.

BCSS Technology Competition

Register for our BCSS Technology Competition now through September 2! All 3rd-12th graders may register to complete a project in a specific category. County winners will move to the state competition.

Students walking down the hall

First Week of School Update

August 11, 2021

In this update: COVID-19 case numbers, contact tracing & vaccination information

Youth Suicide Prevention Conversation Worth Having with Your Teen

Youth Suicide Prevention

August 9, 2021

Join us online for "A Conversation Worth Having with your Student" on Wednesday, Sept. 29 at 6:30 p.m. Details through the link.

BASA Car Rider Map

There has been an important change to the way that transportation will work at BASA for the 21-22 school year.

Mrs. Balenger was selected to pilot the ENGAGE Middle School civics program.

The Barrow Arts and Sciences Academy would like to congratulate Mrs. April Balenger for being selected to pilot the ENGAGE Middle School civics program.

July 20 Back-to-School Update

On August 3, we’re #BacktoBOLD as students return for the new school year. Here are a few updates and reminders you should know.


The CDC recommends everyone 12 years and older should get a COVID-19 vaccination for the safety of themselves and others.

Barrow County School System: Masks will be optional. Mitigation practices will be maintained. Visitors are welcome back into our schools. Meal service will resume in cafeterias.

The Barrow County School System is eager to see our students and staff return in person...

Barrow County School System Superintendent Letter May 25

Thanks to our community, students, and staff, the Barrow County School System can now s...

Summer Meals for Students

The Barrow County School System Nutrition Program will offer student meals at no cost w...

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