
Chromebook ID Decals

Chromebook ID Decals

Dear Blazer Families,    

We have an update for you concerning the ID decals that students will add to their school-issued Chromebooks.    

During Crew on Friday, BASA staff will check to make sure each student is carrying the correct Chromebook by matching the device’s tag number to directory information. If they match, staff will guide students to place the decal on the top left corner of the front cover. (See image for example.)  

If the tag and directory information do not match, the student will need to bring their correct Chromebook to Crew on Monday, March 31, to receive their decal.    

If a student is absent or doesn’t have their assigned Chromebook during both distribution days in Crew, students will be called to the front office to get the decal.   

Once placed, we ask that students do not attempt to remove the decals. If a replacement is needed, the R&D center will help.    

Thank you for your partnership and cooperation with this additional layer of safety for our schools.   
Yours in education, 

Thomas M. Thrailkill 

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