Auburn Elementary School News
AES will be hosting a family literacy and movie night to engage families to understand ...
The Barrow County School System (BCSS) relies on technology products and platforms to s...
If your child participated in the fall book clubs with their classmates, their celebrat...
Student enrollment increases over the last five years in AHS cluster elementary schools...
Join us on Friday, October 28th for our first Trunk or Treat. Students are encouraged t...
Our 10th elementary school is currently under construction and will open to students in August 2023. We will host Information Sessions the week of Oct. 17. Learn more.
Attend our November Mentor Information and Orientation Session.
Wednesday, Oct. 26 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Statham Elementary School 1970 Broad St., S...
AES will be hosting its first grade-level book clubs on October 20th at 5:00 pm. Parent...
We are so excited for a Fall Field Day this year! Parents are welcome to join in on the...
The Fall Book fair is coming! September 9-September 19, students will be able to shop t...
From Strep Throat to COVID-19, check these symptoms and information before heading to school.
Curriculum night is Thursdsay, August 11th at 5:30 pm at Auburn Elementary School. This...
Fall picture day will be August 24th and 25th. Teachers will be getting in contact with...
On Thursday, August 11th, Auburn Elementary will be having its annual Title 1 Parent Me...
Families will be able to come to AES and meet their child's teachers for the 2022-2...
Free Summer Meals for Children 18 & Under in Barrow County
The Piedmont Regional Library System is offering students "Oceans of Possibilities...
Enjoy the 2022 Spring Art Gallery featuring creations from our talented students!
Auburn Elementary and Winder Elementary students are safely cruising around in new booster seats thanks to a Safe Kids Northeast Georgia pilot Booster Seat Program.
May 2nd-May 6th is National Teacher Appreciation Week! You can see some ideas below of ...
In June 2021, BCSS conducted a survey for students that needed internet service and/or ...
Nine lottery drawings were held to determine Pre-K class lists and waiting lists for each school. Each drawing was pre-recorded in English and Spanish. Click to see the results!
Through a CDC and Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) program, each student in our school system will receive a free COVID-19 home test kit. Tests will be given out the week of April 18. Learn more.
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