
Photo of Kari Maxey

Kari Maxey

Assistant Principal - SES

Serving the students, families, and community of this great school is such an honor. Throughout my teaching career, I have served in a variety of roles including teaching all elementary grade levels, ESOL, EIP, serving as an Instructional Coach, and a district-level K-8 literacy specialist.

As an educator, I am passionate about providing our students with high-quality, differentiated learning experiences and opportunities that will foster a lifelong love of learning. As Assistant Principal, I believe great things can happen when we work together for what is best for our students and I am eager to work with each and every family here at Statham.

Please know you can reach me at the school’s phone number, 770.725.7112, or through email.

See you all in the halls!
Ms. Kari Maxey
Assistant Principal

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