
State Superintendent Woods Visits BCSS 2023-24 School Leaders

2023-24 School Leaders (GaDOE)

The Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) has recognized the School Leaders for the 2023-24 academic year. Among the Mathematics and Literacy School Leaders lists were seven of Barrow County's Schools.

  • Apalachee High - Mathematics: HS Growth
  • Barrow Arts & Sciences - Mathematics: HS Growth
  • Haymon-Morris Middle - Mathematics: HS Achievement
  • Holsenbeck Elementary - Mathematics: 5th Grade Gateway Growth
  • Russell Middle - Literacy - 6th Grade Gateway Growth; 8th Grade Growth
  • Statham Elementary - Mathematics: 5th Grade Gateway Growth
  • Yargo Elementary - Mathematics: 5th Grade Gateway Growth

These recognitions are earned based on overall school improvement from the previous school year. The improvement data is based on the Georgia Milestone assessments.

Literacy Criteria

Gateway Achievement - Schools earned this award when the percentage of students reading at or above grade level was 90 percent or higher, based on the 2023-24 Georgia Milestone assessments.

Gateway Growth - Schools earned this award when the percentage of students reading at or above grade level increased according to the tiered growth criteria below:

  • Schools with fewer than 50% of students in the identified grade or course reading at or above grade level needed a 15-point or higher increase compared to the 2022-23 Georgia Milestone assessment.
  • Schools with at least 50 but less than 70% of students in the identified grade or course reading at or above grade level needed a 10-point or higher increase.
  • Schools with at least 70 but less than 90% of students in the identified grade or course reading at or above grade level needed a 5-point or higher increase.
  • Schools with at least 90 but less than 98% of students in the identified grade or course reading at or above grade level needed a 3-point or higher increase.

Mathematics Criteria

Gateway Achievement - Schools earned this award when the percentage of fifth-grade, eighth-grade, or high-school students scoring Proficient or Above in mathematics was 90 percent or higher, based on the 2023-24 Georgia Milestones assessments.

Gateway Growth - Schools earned this award when the percentage of fifth-grade, eighth-grade, or high-school students scoring Proficient or Above in mathematics increased according to the tiered growth criteria below:

  • Schools with fewer than 50% of students in the identified grade or course scoring Proficient or above in mathematics in 2023-24 needed a 15-point or higher increase compared to the 2022-23 Georgia Milestone assessment.
  • Schools with at least 50 but less than 70% of students in the identified grade or course scoring Proficient or above in mathematics in 2023-24 needed a 10-point or higher increase.
  • Schools with at least 70 but less than 90% of students in the identified grade or course scoring Proficient or above in mathematics in 2023-24 needed a 5-point or higher increase.
  • Schools with at least 90 but less than 98% of students in the identified grade or course reading at or above grade level needed a 3-point or higher increase.


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