Holsenbeck Elementary School News
We can't wait to see you on August 18th from 6:00-6:25 OR 6:30-6:55
We welcomed Hawk Families at the Sneakerball on August 19th
Holsenbeck welcomes back families during Open House
Come meet your child's teachers anywhere between 8 am - 10 am.
Dr. Rodenroth joins Holsenbeck as our new assistant principal.
Check out supplies that your student needs to start the school year off right!
BCSS school board appoints Ms. Sellers to HES Principal
Free Summer Meals for Children 18 & Under in Barrow County
We will welcome students and families during Open House on July 29th!
Winder Public Library presents Oceans of Possibilities
5th Graders Tour Solvay Plant
22-23 Before and After School Program
4th graders participated in Tar Wars
First time at school? No worries! We will welcome our future Pre-K students May 19th at 6 PM!
We can't wait to meet our future Kindergarteners!
Check out the virtual gallery showcasing the work our Hawks did in Ms. Durant's art class!
Milestones Testing
Check out the dates and times of our End of Year Awards!
In June 2021, BCSS conducted a survey for students that needed internet service and/or ...
Nine lottery drawings were held to determine Pre-K class lists and waiting lists for each school. Each drawing was pre-recorded in English and Spanish. Click to see the results!
Through a CDC and Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) program, each student in our school system will receive a free COVID-19 home test kit. Tests will be given out the week of April 18. Learn more.
Our students will be GMAP testing April 13th - 15th.
Students receive dictionaries from Adult Literacy Barrow and the Winder Barrow High School Student Council.
HES competed in Field Day! Congratulations to all of our Hawks!
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