Our testing schedule will be set for the following dates: Wednesday, April 13th - English Language Arts Thursday, April 14th - Mathematics Friday, April 15th - Science
Dear HES Families,
During the 2021-2022 school year, the BCSS will pilot an innovative assessment model called the "GMAP Through-Year." THe GMAP Through-Year assessment combines the elements of the formative MAP Growth testing with the summative Georgie Milestones State Assessment. The goal is for BCSS to eventually adopt the GMAP to replace MAP Growth and Georgia Milestones for 3rd-5th grade students. This spring it will be essential that students particiapte in both assessments to ensure test validity.
Our testing schedule will be set for the following dates:
Wednesday, April 13th - English Language Arts
Thursday, April 14th - Mathematics
Friday, April 15th - Science
If you have any questions about our upcoming spring test administrations, please contact Aperil Sellers at aperil.sellers@barrow.k12.ga.us or call 770-307-1540.