County Line Elementary School News
Mrs. Angles's class made the cutest little turkeys! Families were invited to t...
Our kindergarten classes had the wonderful opportunity to visit Bear Hollow Zoo in the ...
The Barrow County School System (BCSS) relies on technology products and platforms to s...
Our fifth grade teachers recognize the students that are going above and beyond in...
Annually, the Georgia Association of Elementary School Principals recognizes up to ten ...
The kindergarten classes of County Line Elementary celebrated the 50th Day of School wi...
On Friday October 28th. Come dressed in your best school appropriate costume (no m...
Attend our November Mentor Information and Orientation Session.
Students in Mrs. Knight’s class had some Carnival-like fun yesterday, as they par...
Wednesday, Oct. 26 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Statham Elementary School 1970 Broad St., S...
King George III and his tax collectors paid a visit to the colonists today, claiming ta...
The CLES first graders took an autumn field trip to Washington Farms. The students enjo...
We are so excited to be hosting a Crane Book Fair in the CLES library from Monday Septm...
CLES encourages excellent lunchroom manners and behavior. We are proud to celebrate the...
Mrs. Tillman puts scarfs on the microphones and transforms the performance of her ...
Mrs. Williams rewarded her first grade class with medals for reaching their sight word ...
The CLES new school year has brought friends, students and teachers back together again...
From Strep Throat to COVID-19, check these symptoms and information before heading to school.
CLES Open House is just around the corner. On Friday, July 29, 2022, our school doors w...
Free Summer Meals for Children 18 & Under in Barrow County
The Piedmont Regional Library System is offering students "Oceans of Possibilities...
The Fifth Grade Team enjoyed a day of fun and togetherness on their last Friday at Coun...
It was a beuatiful day for our annual Field Day! We are thankful to our PTO, parent vol...
We are so fortunate to have a wonderful PTO that supports our school in so many ways. T...
Enjoy the 2022 Spring Art Gallery featuring creations from our talented students!
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