
NASA LandSAT Paintings



How can we use NASA technology in our classrooms? Mrs. Farmer's 7th grade social studies class did just that! Through a planning collaboration with Mr. Bane, Director of Innovative Learning and Mrs. Bailey, Instructional Coach for AIM & BASA, Mrs. Farmer put together a creative way for students to engage in their learning of the political and physical features of the Middle East.

Students were introduced to NASA's LandSAT program, "This joint NASA/USGS program provides the longest continuous space-based record of Earth’s land in existence. Every day, Landsat satellites provide essential information to help land managers and policy makers make wise decisions about our resources and our environment." Through this program, students were able to research different political and physical features of the Middle East. Students were also encouraged to explore NASA/USGS Earth As Art galleries for inspiration. Using this technology, students then took the image and created their own artistic representation using watercolors and watercolor paper provided by ArtsNow Learning, Inc., as part of a district level partnership. Mrs. Farmer and the students reviewed various watercolor techniques learned throughout their time at CFIT. Students were able to practice these techniques while working on their artistic representation of the LandSAT photo they chose.

Once their artwork was complete, they researched the location they chose and created a brief presentation to describe their location and attributes of that political or physical feature. They went on to explain the impact of that location on the Middle East as a whole.

Once they complete this task, students worked with Mrs. Bailey and Mr. Bane to create a 360* photosphere image of their work and research. Political Features included: Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Gaza Strip, West Bank. Physical Features included: Euphrates River, Jordan River, Tigris River, Suez Canal, Persian Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, Arabian Sea, Red Sea. Students added a short artist statement about their paintings. You can visit the 360* art exhibit below. Click on the music note symbol to hear from the students!

To continue the work, Mr. Daggett, 7th grade life science teacher, is using the NASA LandSAT website to help inspire students to represent their assigned biomes in a variety of visual arts media. Students select the style of visual arts as well as the media that they will use to represent their biome and how human interactions may impact those biomes. Students will look at multiple images of one location and see how it changes over time. Students will create will utilize water colors, colored pencils, acrylic, tissue paper and any other media of their choice to help represent the biotic and abiotic factors.

Check out the exhibit HERE!


Landsat_Pictures by Ashley Bailey

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